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What’s Blocking My Internet

Speedtest Townsville Internet

No body likes slow internet. But yet, even with the massive amounts of money being spent on technology, communications the NBN etc. Are lot of us are still getting slow internet.

But even though its easy to just blame the telecommunications companies, its not always there fault.

The first thing you need to do when you have slow internet on your laptop or desktop computer is check with a different device, using the same internet to see if it is specific to the machine you are using, or network wide.

If the other computers on the network are running faster, you have already narrowed it down to a specific machine to work on, and don’t have to spend hours on the telephone to your internet service provider working it out.


Your Modem/Router

Contradictory to what routers are suppose to do, we sometimes find that certain routers do indeed pick on some devices on your network and restrict your internet.

This doesn’t happen often but when it does is a real pain. Resetting your router and starting from scratch sometimes work, other times it’s a recurring problem and a new router is needed.


You Haven’t Paid Your Bill

It’s very easily done, with so much going on in our lives and if you don’t have automatic debits, its very easy to forget to pay your internet bill on time.

What most Internet Service Providers do is restrict your service by throttling down your internet speed to the point you can barely use it. Call your internet service provider to make a payment usually takes longer waiting on the phone than it does for them to reinstate your full service.

Its better and faster just to log on online and make a payment and your internet is usually back up running fast again within the hour.


Your Own Antivirus

Your antivirus program is suppose to protect you. In trying very hard to and unsuccessfully a lot of the time (at least judged by the amount of customers who come into to see me who have viruses and antivirus software).

Many of these antivirus programs attempt to do other things like Firewalls and filtering and accidentally restrict or stop your internet altogether.

Although antivirus programs seem to be different month by month, i like to use the ones which aren’t to complex and don’t try to do to many things. I pretty much just want a good antivirus program which focusing on viruses.



Viruses, Adware and Adware are notorious for disrupting your internet speeds.

In an effort to spy on you or direct you where they want you to go, it often affects your internet. You will notice your internet being very slow, lots of things popping up on the screen or being directed to web sites trying to sell you stuff you are not interested in or didn’t ask for.


Wireless Interference

Not intentional but other radio frequency devices could be blocking your internet usage over wireless.

Not all wireless devices work well together and that can include the one in your desktop or laptop connecting to your own wireless modem.

Also, often in built up areas or places like apartment complexes, where there are many wireless devices, they can react bad towards each other and result in your internet not working or communicating with servers and services on your network.


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