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Tag: removal


To Much Junk On Your Computer

I get this one a lot. A customer will call me and let me know they think there computer is running slow due to it being full with too many photos, applications and files etc. The truth is, unless your hard drive is failing and not addressing space allocation correctly, it doesn’t matter how many files you have on your computer, how… Read more →

Popups controlling your computer

PopUps taking over your computer

Its bad enough when you start using your computer and all of the sudden popups start bugging you and interfering with whatever your doing, but what do you do if it happens straight up; when your computer has just been turned on? When you are using your computer and more and more popups start bugging you there are a lot… Read more →


Computer Townsville

If you need help with your computer Townsville we can probably help you. No matter the problem, if its elated to a computer Townsville we know we can help you and here is why. I have been repairing computers for more time than most of is have been using them.. at least at home in Townsville anyway. Twenty years ago… Read more →

Pop Up Virus Removal in Townsville 0402 807 890

Pop Up and Virus Removal Townsville

What are Pop Ups? Pop Ups are an annoying form of advertising on your computer which demand your attention. These ads sit in your web browsing windows like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox and are highly animated with the intention of being obvious and annoying so you are forced to deal with and pay attention to. Some Pop Ups… Read more →

computer virus townsville

Computer Virus Removal

UPDATE: (30-06-15) Since writing this article we have seen a lot more viruses actually targeting people in Townsville. The need for virus removal Townsville has never been greater. For whatever reason, maybe because Townsville has a large NBN based infrastructure in place, but more and more man made computer viruses are targeting us in Townsville. Emails with subject lines such as “Important… Read more →

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