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Tag: private

Data security townsville

What is Data Encryption

Encryption is a process in which data can be organised so only the selected or allowed people or parties can access it. Having something encrypted does not stop anyone from holding, or intercepting your data, but rather it basically stops someone from being able to read it or make any sense of it at all. Although it sounds very technical… Read more →

Modem Router Townsville

What is my IP Address, DNS and Gateway

What is your IP Address (Internet Protocol) Most people who use the internet has heard of an IP address, but unless you have some sort of training or are a computer enthusiast you probably don’t know what it really means. Like your house address which distinguishes you from every other house in the world when sending and receiving a letter,… Read more →

VPN Townsville Computer Security

VPN Virtual Private Network Services

If you think you might need a VPN in Townsville but are not sure what type to get, please give us a call. There are many different types of VPN’s that accomplish different goals. Whether your after more privacy, security or to make your connection over the internet work as if it was a private Local Area Network, Townsville  … Read more →

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