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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Computer Help in Townsville

Townsville computer virus

Computer Virus Targeting Townsville

Yesterday I received an email from someone containing a virus. Although this is not an unusual event I thought this was particularly concerning due to the fact this virus directly targets us in Townsville by using our location as the hook. The email subject is, “Important News for Townsville“. If you receive this email do not open it and delete it immediately. The email… Read more →

Computer repairs freezing

Computer freezing in Townsville

Your computer can freeze for many reasons, some of them can be hardware but most of the time in Townsville I see that is software. What you do on your computer can greatly affect its performance and operation. Viruses get blamed for a lot of bad things happening on computers but most them are actually installed unknowingly by the operator… Read more →


Computer help Townsville

Computer help in Townsville is here and we are waiting to help you. It doesn’t matter if you are a business in a shop, operating from your house or just a basic home user, everyone deserves the same level of computer help in Townsville and Townsville computer repairs. Computer help in Townsville should be affordable If you just need a little computer help in Townsville, with… Read more →

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