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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Computer Help in Townsville

How to speed up Windows 10

Make Windows 10 Run Faster

With everybody jumping on Windows 10 because of the free upgrade offered to most people from Windows 8 or 8.1, we are seeing a lot of people asking us how to make their Windows 10 computer faster. Windows 10 is not for everybody. Some people are seeing little to no wifi, other no sound. And a lot of people are… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs Nerds and computer phones

AirDroid – Computer to Android Phone

There are a lot of option for transferring files from your computer to you Android phones. A very popular method for a lot of Samsung users is Kies, but most phones have their own software for managing their Android devices, much like Apple has Itunes. But what if you want a lot more from a software package on your computer than just transferring… Read more →

Different types of file extensions

Understanding different file extensions

All names on your computer are not created equal. Although you maybe able to choose the name of a file on your computer, but what type of file it is and what particular programs you need to open that file will be determined by the extensions following it. For example, a file named RossAtTheBeach.jpg with the file extension format “.jpg” tells… Read more →

townsville mac computer repairs

OS X El Capitan Part 2

Delete files permanently Another great feature I am quite happy with since my upgrade to El Capitan is the ability to be able to delete file premaritally straight away. With the earlier versions of OS X, like Microsoft Windows the user would have to delete the file which really moved it to the recycle bin and then empty it. With El… Read more →


Computer Townsville

If you need help with your computer Townsville we can probably help you. No matter the problem, if its elated to a computer Townsville we know we can help you and here is why. I have been repairing computers for more time than most of is have been using them.. at least at home in Townsville anyway. Twenty years ago… Read more →

Computer man townsville laptop

Laptop Repairs Townsville

Laptops are very convenient for people who do not want to be constrained to a desktop and need the the ability to move around when using their computer. thinking laptop repairs Townsville, think Townsville computer repair Nerds. Laptops all general purposes are also called, notebooks and the much smaller less powerful ones, netbooks. Under the hood of your laptop are a lot… Read more →

Time Machine - Townsville Computer Repairs

Time Machine Back Up

Everyone who has anything important on their computer should backup. We all now we should, most of us intend to, but few of us actually do! I am guilty of it too. Every few years something happens to one of my computers like a power surge, virus, or hardware, problem usually hard drive fail and I loose all the information… Read more →


Townsville Computer Repair Services

Hello, my name is Ross and I am your local Townsville computer repair service man. You are more than welcome to come to me, but mostly I go out to my customers for no extra charge. For many years I owned a computer repair business and internet cafe on Ingham Road. Over the years people started wanting me to come out… Read more →

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