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Category: Computer Help in Townsville

Modem Wireless Router Townsville

Different Kinds of Wireless Internet

There are many different ways you can receive your internet and there are many different types of wireless (wifi) communications available. But for the purpose of this post I am going to try and explain the difference between the couple of options we have in Australia depending on where you live and what type of hardware you have in place. Interesting Fact:… Read more →

Wireless Security Wifi Townsville

Stay Protected When Using Public Wifi

Most, if not all, NBN or ADSL internet connections in our home or at work come with wireless (wifi) built in. For the most part when encryption is turned on this is quite secure. But most of us who are accustomed to using wifi do not think twice about it when using a public wifi spot. When travelling or sitting in… Read more →

old computer in townsville repairs

Things to do with an Old Computer – Part 2

Create a Online Network Storage Device A network storage device is a computer which doesn’t have to be very powerful on your network you can store files on. Most people back up onto their external hard drive or to a online service like your Google Drive or Dropbox storage. Uploading and downloading your files from an online service can be very… Read more →

Safe Mode Windows

Windows 10 Free Upgrade Loophole

Its been a long time coming but as of the last day in July 2016 Microsoft are no longer offering Windows 10 as a free upgrade to most Windows 8, 8 and 8.1 users. What seems kind of counterintuitive because Microsoft wants people to use Windows 10 seem weird they would put a shelf life on when you had the… Read more →

Printer help Townsville laptop men

Different types of Printers – Part 2

Multifunction Printers Multifunction printers try to do everything from Faxing, Printing, Scanning, and Photocopying. They are usually built in with the ability to connect to your network over the Wireless and Ethernet and also have a telephone port to be able to make calls and receive faxes. You will know if your printer is Multifunctional because it is larger than… Read more →

Printer help Townsville laptop men

Different types of Printers – Part 1

We have all been using printers on our computer for a very long time now. If you have had a computer in the past you most certainly would have had a printer. With everything been sent electronically now like your bank statements, phone  and electricity bills people are now having to print there own bills out. The printer industry has… Read more →

Apple Mac help townsville

Bitdefender Virus Scanner for Mac

A lot of Apple Mac users will tell you they don’t need Antivirus programs on their computers and laptops because Mac computers don’t get viruses. This simply isn’t true and even Apple denied Macs get viruses until recently. Apple operating systems are designed on a very old stable system called Unix. Unix is incredibly versatile and secure, but not impenetrable.… Read more →

Internet help Townsville computer man

IPv6 and Android Wireless

Recently I updated my router. In fact I went from using my Apple Airport Extreme to using a custom made PFSense Linux Operating System instead of a standard router. My PFsense router has IPv6 on as default. A lot of new routers supplied by your interest service provider will have this as well, even if your ISP doesn’t support it.… Read more →

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