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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Computer Help in Townsville

linux computer operating system commands

Best Linux Tools – Part 2

This post is a continuation of my recent post, Best Linux Tools – Part 1 Virtualisation Wine For all Windows users out there who just have to have one of their Windows applications running on Linux all is not lost. Wine is a Linux program you run on your Linux computer which executes Windows programs. It all sounds a bit… Read more →


New Computer Running Slow

You’ve just bought a new computer, with the latest processor, heaps of memory and a fast hard drive. It should be running super fast, but it still takes a while to start up, login and get to what your doing. Your left wondering why. Well the chances are you didn’t buy a dud. In fact, even a 3 years old… Read more →

hard drive file recovery townsville computer repairs

Finding Lost Data and Recovery

Many times I have lost a document or photo, accidentally deleted something or simply moved it without thinking. It happens a lot more than you realise and sometimes data is not missing or needed to be recovered, just simply found on the hard drive. If you know the name of the file you can search for it with in your… Read more →

Townsville laptop and computer man security

Child Proof Your Computer

Newly father here, so I’m starting to write about things that effect me, not just my customers. As I was writing my previous post I had my son on my lap and noticed he was just starting to reach out and grab things. I couldn’t type and he kept pressing the keyboard and I thought to myself; wow, I’m soon… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs wireless

Wireless Security Townsville

When we are talking about wireless security, the subject can get very deep and dependent on the type of networks we are talking about, what the network does and the amount of money you invested into the infrastructure. For this purpose I am going to be talking about the wireless security for the every day person and how the security… Read more →

Ubuntu Linux Townsville

Ubuntu Security Patches

The great thing about Linux and my personal flavour Ubuntu, is the security and piece of mind you get with this type of open source operating system. People ask me all the time, “Is it true, Macs don’t get viruses?” And the answer is no. Less people use Macs so there are a lot less viruses out there which attack it… Read more →

Microsoft Scammers

Been Called From Microsoft Lately

Everyone has heard of Microsoft. It is the biggest software company in the world and everyone has either used a Windows computer at one time or another, used a Word Documents or checked eMail through a program like Microsoft Outlook or Mail. Subconsciously Microsoft being such a big part of our computer and technical life, it seems to lower our defence sand give… Read more →

computer wont wake up

What is hiberfil.sys

There is a very good chance that if you are reading this post on Townsville Nerds, you computer is starting to run slow and you have been checking your recourse and found a file called hiberfil.sys is using a lot of your precious memory or hard drive space. Im sure there is nothing you would like to do more than… Read more →

Rank higher in Google yourself


I can show you how I ranked Townsville Nerds number one. Anyone who has a website or online business will be able to tell you how they receive emails every week from companies all over the world claiming to be able to make their website number one. They use words like SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and user engagement. For a… Read more →

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