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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Computer Help in Townsville

computer virus townsville

Which is the best Antivirus for you

People ask me all the time which is the best antivirus program for their Microsoft Windows computer. This is probably the hardest question to answer, as there is no one shoe fits all strategy here. There is a clear difference in what anti-viruses corporate businesses should use who host web sites, servers and data sets. But when it comes to… Read more →

Safe Mode Windows

How to Boot into Safe Mode with Windows 10

What is Safe Mode Safe Mode is a way to access your Windows based computer when normal start up doesn’t occur because of faults in the system, due to bad updates, viruses or bad configuration etc. Starting your computer in Safe Mode will hopefully give you limited access to your operating system to run diagnosis and make changes and repairs… Read more →

Windows 10 Disk Usage

Windows 10 has been around for a while now and we can assume all this time a lot of the bugs will have sorted out. Although having the Windows 10 operating system on your computer or laptop is proving to have a lot of security benefits, we still seem to be having the constant problems we had a lot of… Read more →

More scams in Townsville 2016

Antivirus Phone Number

This post is about another scam going around hitting a lot of people in Townsville. It comes in many different colours and skins, but it all amounts to the same thing. Getting you to pick up the phone and give your credit card details to someone who is not a real antivirus company and who will install software on your… Read more →

Microsoft Scammers

Microsoft Called You – SCAM

We are getting more and more of these customers ever week now. What started out as one customer every few months is now more like half a dozen every week. I know what you are thinking, “People cant get fouled by this”, but yes they can and do. Microsoft is the biggest software company in the world, with billions of… Read more →

Stop Viruses Townsville

Adblockers – Best Way to Defend Against Viruses

Anyone who follows my blog will know I am not a great fan of antivirus programs. It’s just I see dozens of computers every month with viruses and they all have some sort of Anti-virus Malware type protection on them. I don’t think they are anywhere as good as they should be and all my customers are certainly under the… Read more →

Apple Mac Imac Macbook repairs

Mac Repairs Townsville

Apple has always lead the ways in technology and computing. Although Apple didn’t event the computer, you can thank them for bringing them into your home, small business and pocket (iPhone). As awesome as the Apple technology is (Im a big fan), Apple do try and lock a lot of us out on what hardware can be sourced, and what… Read more →

Computer software conflicts

Conflicting Software Issues

Although there are many parts and different types of software and hardware on your computer,  the two main parts people mostly refer to are hardware and software. Hardware the physical components you can touch like your motherboard, hard drive, mouse, monitor, keyboard, memory and so on.   What is Software Software can be anything from the operating system you are using such… Read more →

townsville computer repairs

Linux Mint

As Linux is becoming more popular, so am I making more posts about it. For anyone who doesn’t know, Linux is an Operating System like Windows (an environment for you applications and programs to live in). Unlike Windows however, Linux is totally free and comes in hundreds of different version made from many different organisations, people and company’s. Linux is… Read more →

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