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Category: Computer Help in Townsville

technical support townsville

Questions and Answers 12-02-2018

Should I turn my computer off when I am not using it Your computer is designed to run for long periods of time, and servers even longer. Saying that, I turn my computer off most of the time when I am not using it. They way I look at it, if it’s not running, the less things can go wrong… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs

Questions and Answers 09-02-2018

Bang for my buck, what is the best way to speed my computer up? This is actually a really complicated question, but I am going to do my best to answer it and speak in general. Speeding up your computer will depend on what you do. Are you playing games, number crunching, writing software or doing graphic and editing, animation… Read more →

internet, computer, network support in Townsville

Tech Support Townsville

Townsville computer repair Nerds have been proving technical support to homes and businesses in Townsville for over 20 years. I have seen a lot to technical support companies come and go in that time, through the hard times and the good out Townsville Nerds still remains as Townsville most dedicated and reliable tech support companies. We were sitting around the… Read more →

Computer Not Starting After Update

Updates are suppose to make everything work better on your computer or laptop and most of the time they do. But sometimes it just doesn’t go all to plan. It can be be quite scary for a technological point of view when your computer asks to to an update or upgrade. There are so many programs on your computer. Do… Read more →

Linux Operating System Townsville

Common Ubuntu Annoyances

Linux is a great alternative to Windows. Not only is it getting a lot easier to use than it once was, it is no longer just reserved for computer enthusiasts and people who need servers. Linux is known for being robust, stable and secure. Although there are always exceptions to the rule, Linux is a lot of these thing; but… Read more →

Speed Test

What’s Blocking My Internet

No body likes slow internet. But yet, even with the massive amounts of money being spent on technology, communications the NBN etc. Are lot of us are still getting slow internet. But even though its easy to just blame the telecommunications companies, its not always there fault. The first thing you need to do when you have slow internet on… Read more →

Windows 10 Upgrade townsville laptop computer man

5 Things You Never New Windows 10 Could Do

We all use Windows for a lot of basic things like checking emails, writing documents, research, playing games or just surfing the web.  But there are tonne of other things Windows 10 can do you probably didn’t know about. I know what you are thinking’ it’s going to be totally geeky stuff, only Townsville computer nerds are going to want… Read more →

Bye Bye, ISDN

If your business or home use ISDN and you have missed all the updates, news and emails, you could soon find you might not have access to telephone, email and internet.   What is ISDN ISDN stands for, Integrated Services Digital Network and although it is an old technology it is still used in businesses and home all around the world.… Read more →

Modem Router Townsville

ADSL Keeps Disconnecting and Slow

What is ADSL ADSL stands for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line and before NBN (National Broadband Network) was the standard by which internet was measured by. Up until that point, there was only the old slow dial up internet available to the public and even though the technology is old now, it is still fast enough for most people to be… Read more →

computer wont wake up

Things You Don’t Think of When Buying A New Computer – Part 1

There are so many things to consider when buying a new computer. Features you have never heard of, security, software, design? To make it even harder, it’s not like you can take it home and test it first. You’ve got to try it in the shop and even though there are a lot of things you have an idea about,… Read more →

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