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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Computer Help in Townsville

online storage data townsville computer man

Pros and Cons of Online Storage

When we are talking about computers and phones and refer to storage we are basically talking about the hard drive on our device in which we store our photos, media and applications. On these hard drives there are other files as well, like programs which make our computer run, or the operating system itself like Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX or… Read more →

different types of computers in townsville

6 Types of Computers

It feels like just about every other week there is some new terminology or new thing you need to understand when it comes to computers. Not only does this device do this and that, a lot of the time I think to myself doesn’t this old laptop do the exact same thing as the new, except with a much lesser… Read more →

Laptop Stopped Working When Travelling

We see this from a lot of people who have been travelling, always on the move or students coming to and from school or university and either need their computer back up and running or need data recovery in Townsville. Lots of people use laptops now. The ability to just drop everything and pick up at a moments notice and… Read more →


Getting Your Computer to Run Like New

Only Open the Apps You Are Using I know it sounds simplistic and obvious, but your operating system and other programs on your computer are using so many recourses these days, more and more with every update, more and more people are complaining of slow computers. There are a few things you can do about this like closing programs down… Read more →

My Computer Does Not Open PDF’s

What are PDF’s PDFs were invented by Adobe and stands for Portable Document Format and is one of the main file types used for people and organisation who want to distribute files. Why PDF’s are particularly possible and very useful is they can be used and look the same by pretty much all devices, including, computers, laptops and mobile devices.… Read more →

Same Day Data Recovery Free Quotes

Living in the North we seem to get gouged for everything.  Thats why Townsville Nerds are always looking for ways to make things more affordable for our customers. Data Recovery has the stigma around it of always being expensive. Other Data Recovery businesses will charges you $100’s just to take a look at it, even if they can fix it.… Read more →

Different Types Of Hard Drive Formats

Formats can mean a lot of different things, in a lot of different industries. Even within the realms of computers, it can have a whole bunch of different meanings depending on what its pertaining to. So before we get into it, I want to address this post is about hard drive formats, including USB, external, Sold State Drives and thumb… Read more →

Townsville computer repairs help

Someone Has Accessed My Computer

Why Would Someone Want To Access My Computer WWW should sand for the Wild Wild West not World Wide Wed and thats because thats exactly what it is. With no real law and anyone from anywhere just about able to reach, connect or communicate with you, the internet is the worlds largest group of people who want to be your… Read more →

Recovering Data from a Computer with Black Screen

Seeing your computer screen go black and not be able to turn it back on can be a frightening experience. Although the expensive is always in the back of your mind of having to get your computer repaired or replaced, the biggest worry most people face is, are you able to recover your data; photos, music, documents, tax information etc?… Read more →

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