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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Computer Help in Townsville

speaker beeping when turning on computer

What are Beep Codes – My Computer is Screaming

Have you ever turned your computer on, and it didn’t start up properly. This is not uncommon, but when it does become alarming is when your computer doesn’t start properly but it also literally sends alarms bells in the form of high bitch beep noises. When your computer starts up it performs a POST (Power-On-Self-Test). This is a quick test… Read more →

alternaive keyboard on macbook townsville

PC Keyboard and Mouse on Mac Computer

Did you know you do . not have to use your Apple Mac specific keyboard on your Imac or Macbook Computer. Keyboards die for all sorts of reasons. For the most part USB keyboards are not very expensive. You can get decent USB keyboards with no brand name from Kmart for under $10. All the Apple computer equipment has a… Read more →

HDD Solid State Drive data townsville

Computer Wont Start and I Need My Data

Free Quote When people think of data Recovery they think big bucks. It’s not always the case. To keep myself competitive, Townsville Nerds offers everyone a free no obligation diagnostic test and quote. This is 100% free no obligation. If you don’t accept the quote, its no problem. You just come back in and pick it up. No questions asked!… Read more →

Townsville computer man printer

Different Ways to Connect to Your Printer or Scanner

With so many different types of gadgets and different types of connections now, it can be a bit confusing know how to connect something as simple as a basic printer or scanner. For the most part it is not too hard, however there are always different variations and different ways depending no much anymore but the type of computer you… Read more →

hard drive townsville data in north queensland and townsville recovery

Data Recovery Hard Drive Recovery Townsville

There are many different types of media which can store your precious data (photos, music, movies documents and work files). Media is usually referred to when talking about stored files, as the thing which is holding your data or storing it such as external hard drive, computer hard drive, usb thumb drive or CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disk Living in… Read more →

Data Recovery in Townsville

Data Recovery in Townsville Advive

Where people are going wrong trying to do data recovery in Townsville Many people bring us their hard drives in hope to recover their data. Recovering data is not as actually as hard as businesses make it out to be. If you have deleted something on your computer it is possible to restore and complete data recovery in Townsville. Your… Read more →

be safe when travelling with your technology and laptop

Different States of the Computer Power

A lot fo the times our computer is on and we don’t even realise it. It could be up and power with just the screen not displaying, could be a sleep or might just be listening on the network. No matter what the state of your computer it is always good to use the right power mode or state of… Read more →

computer repairs townsville

I’ve Lost Internet When I Added a New Network Device

Its one thing for someone in the shop to say,  “Just plug it in and it will work’, but its always a different situation when you but a network related device, add it to your internet at home and things just stop working. The main reason behind this is your network at home or business, in most cases are reliant… Read more →

Computer man townsville laptop

What is the Best Computer for Me

We get asked a lot, “what is the best computer for me?” or, “what is the best computer to buy”? This is a very hard question to answer and most of the time our responsive is it is different for everyone. Everyone has not only different needs and expectations, but they are also different and where and how they do… Read more →

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