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Address: Idalia, Townsville Qld 4810

Category: Computer Help in Townsville

website help in Townsville

Four of the Best Free Wordpress Plugins

What is Wordpress Simply put, Wordpress is an online website creation platform or tool to make websites. Strictly speaking websites are made from computer code and did involve basic knowledge or programming language like HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor). Some really smart people got together and created a tools called Wordpress which basically allowed you to make… Read more →

townsville email scams security

Christmas Scam eMails

As it is getting closer to Christmas again, and as people are starting to get into the giving spirit, we are starting to see a lot of Christmas scams starting again. Technically these scams are not a lot different from others that are constantly going around, but they do play on the generosity of people which is a lot more… Read more →

computer repairs in townsville

Graphics Cards in Laptops

Other than the noticeable difference between a desktop computer and a laptop, there are also a lot of differences under the hood as well. The basics of computers are the same, a motherboard, processor, memory and hard drive, but the way they are all bundled together and arranged is quite different. Unlike a desktop computer, installing and interchanging a graphics… Read more →

computer repairs in townville

System Restore Your Computer

What is System Restore If you are having problems with your computer causing instability, the ability to start or use your computer properly or your computers just running generally slow; System Restore might be a good option for you to use. System Restore is a feature built in to Microsoft Windows Operating Systems which basically takes a snapshot of the… Read more →

townsville deleted computer files

How to Securely Delete Your Data

WARNING: By doing the following you will permanently delete your data and it will not be recoverable!   Why Do You Want to Securely Delete Computers are now part of every day life. We use them for work, school, entertainment and for personal reasons. The data on your hard drive is information and depending on who has access to it,… Read more →

errors DLL startup townsville

Missing DLL File Errors – And what to do about it

Your computer is a very sophisticated piece of equipment. At its core (Binary) 1s and 0’s, your computer turns on (1) and odd (0) many times per second. You have your computer hardware which is the physical components like hard drive and memory and you have your operating system like Linux, Windows and OSX which help you and your programs… Read more →

internet not working in Townsville

Rain and Internet in Townsville

The wet season is fast approaching and we have already seen a little bit of rain this weekend which is playing havoc with peoples modems and routers. Every year when it starts to rain we get a influx if phone calls form customers whose internet has gone down. This is not a coincidence, and it really applies to people who… Read more →

website help in Townsville

Lets talk about Wordpress

What is Wordpress Wordpress is easily the most used, most accessible, web site development tool used by more websites than any other platform on the internet. Wordpress provides the platform for anyone to make their own websites, CMS (Content Management System, Online Store, Gallery or pretty much any other online presence you can think of. The great thing about Wordpress… Read more →

Townsville email pst file help

Common Outlook Problems

Microsoft Outlook is without doubt the most and widely used email client application. Not only has it been around since people started using email, it also comes with most Microsoft Office Suites and it just keeps on getting better with every release. But, like all programs it still has its fair share of problems. This article will endeavour to answer… Read more →

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